Swiper, Stop Swiping: Recognizing the Tinder Effect


Written by Justine Galvan

I told her I was scared. My friend insisted I make a Tinder account because it was fun looking and talking to “hot college guys” online, but advised to not take it too seriously and meet up with someone.  I was 16, sitting on a kitchen stool almost having a panic attack as I came up with ways on how to sneak out at 2 AM to hook up with a 19-year-old who lived at Park Avenue and wanted to send me an uber from Queens, doing exactly what my friend had told me not to. It wasn’t love per se, but I felt some type of way for someone who cared well enough to not let me go through the MTA in the middle of the night.


Tinder, established in 2012, has forever changed the world of romance. Designed for their users to anonymously swipe left (if they don’t like them) or right (if they do like them), dating turns into a game. Now with a whopping 57 million people signed up on the dating-app worldwide, almost two billion swipes are being made each day. People create and brand their best selves with calculated profiles, such as putting their best pictures, quirky bios, and Spotify anthems. With 26 million matches made each day, hook up culture – the quick and uncommitted sexual bonding between two or more people – is romanticized. As a result, this glorification of the new technosexual era has completely strayed us away from the traditions of conventional romance. Whether that is good or bad is subjective. What’s truly concerning is the way Tinder affects the brains of those using it.

Psychologists explain the term instant gratification to be the seeking of pleasure or quick contentment without any delays and interruption. Getting matches on Tinder serves as instant gratification. Living in the most advanced technological era, we are raised to be impatient. A lot of people, unfortunately, and subconsciously, rely on social media platforms, such as Instagram for instance, to evaluate their worth, based on the number of likes or followers they have. It becomes a jungle of comparison and competition with each other’s lives. The more likes or matches they get, the more their egos and acquired narcissism are fed. Consequently, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) conveyed that Millennials and Gen Z members are most likely to have poor mental health, with social media being a major responsible cause. Talking to a friend of mine about being on Tinder, she says:


“When I get a match – not gonna lie – I feel happy because I have very low self-esteem and I’m like ‘Oh my, God. This hot ass boy actually thinks I’m cute enough for them to swipe right,’ but when I don’t I’m like, ‘Holy shit, I’m really that ugly… they didn’t even try to actually get to know me before disregarding me.’”

As human beings, we seek pleasure and avoid pain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released when human beings feel pleasure such as eating food, having sex, or taking drugs. In comparison, dopamine is also released when one gets a match on Tinder. So Tinder users take part in this obsessive ritual of swiping more and more until they get their next reward, which in this case is another match, to get instant gratification. This whole process is subconsciously addictive, as compared by psychologists to drug-addicts, feeding onto an array of mental health issues. Contradictory to matching, not getting as many matches as one hoped for accounts to a feeling of rejection, which affects one’s mental health negatively if they don’t know how to deal with it. Another study also pointed out that “Tinder users, regardless of gender, reported significantly lower levels of satisfaction with face and body and higher levels of internalization, appearance comparisons, and body shame and surveillance than non-users.” Tinder becomes a swiping game based on superficiality and instant gratification is the temporary fix to deeper mental health issues.


This is not to say that everyone should immediately delete the app and be conscious about participating. Tinder, as with other dating apps, is majorly responsible for diversifying humanity. It’s fun and thrilling talking and meeting new people. There is definitely an adrenaline rush connecting with someone you get to pick. So go talk, flirt, have as much sex as you want, or fall in love – but know yourself, what is best for you, and keep in mind that in every good thing comes a consequence.


The School to Prison Pipeline: Tackling Unjust Disciplinary Action in Schools


Written by: Kendra Shiloh

There is an alarming disproportionate tendency for students of color and students with disabilities to become incarcerated—known as the school-to-prison pipeline. The combination of zero-tolerance policies along with a strong police presence in public schools has facilitated the pipeline, normalizing the idea that even the slightest misstep is worthy of negative disciplinary action.

Police presence in public schools has increased dramatically over recent years, which may be attributed to the influx of school shootings. After the Parkland shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, every public school in Florida must have at least one armed guard, in compliance with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act. Although this piece of legislation is meant to be a solution, it has had disproportionately negative effects on minority students. The line between “teachable moments” and  punishable crimes has become blurred, and students from disadvantaged backgrounds are suffering at the hands of a system that does not work in their favor. According to a nationwide study by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, black children are three and a half times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white counterparts. 

In my personal experience, during my years of high school, the in-school suspension room was always occupied. Students were suspended for a variety of trivial reasons, ranging from talking excessively in class to dress code violations. This method of punishment meant students were lose vital class time, a possible cause for falling behind in class or ultimately failing. As the years passed, it appeared as though a specific group was being targeted in my school: black and latino students. As our grade moved onto our junior and senior years, a large percentage of this group dropped out. And while I cannot account for the path each student chose to take after high school, the ones whose paths I am aware of are less than favorable. Several fell down the path of substance abuse and the sale of illicit drugs, leading to arrests and for a select few, time in jail. This could have been avoided, had there been positive disciplinary action procedures in place. 

By taking students out of class, they are set further behind in their coursework. As students advance to junior and senior year, each class session is vital to their success in the world after graduation, especially if the student plans on attending college. Students can miss out on information that may be useful for standardized testing such as the SAT and ACT, impacting chances for higher education and a better future.

When a child faces extreme disciplinary action at school (such as one that involves interaction with the police), they are often labeled as a “bad kid” no matter how juvenile the incident was. In turn, this leads to the student being isolated from the class, which in turn can affect their emotional and mental health.  And due to the disparities in minority mental health care, these students may not receive the help that they need to cope with these feelings. If the student reaches a point where they lash out as a result of the isolation and internalized feelings, more often than not the student will receive yet another irrational disciplinary action. These feelings can be extremely discouraging for students, and a lack of resources can lead to a vicious cycle that further facilitates the pipeline.

It is not enough to just simply attempt to improve the school-to-prison pipeline when dealing with the future of our children. Eliminating the pipeline is a collective effort, and it starts with training teachers, especially in regards to positive disciplinary action, such as counseling. Students of color and students with disabilities enter school with a disadvantage from the very first day, due to a complex structural system that has never worked for them. They shouldn’t have to climb another barrier in order to receive a fair education.